Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Take the SQL Exam That Gives You OCA Certification:

We receive support requests every week from candidates asking for the certificate for passing the non-proctored exam Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals | 1Z0-061. Each time, we explain that this exam alone does not result in certification. Candidates must pass the next exam in their Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) path to earn a certification and receive a digital badge. This unpleasant surprise results in disappointed candidates who want to receive something tangible for passing a certification exam. 

Don't face this same disappointment.

With the imminent retirement of Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals | 1Z0-061 (November 30, 2019), now is the perfect time to switch your focus to the exam that proves fluency in and a solid understanding of SQL language, data modeling and using SQL to create and manipulate tables in an Oracle Database, AND results in a SQL OCA certification.

Passing the exam Oracle Database SQL | 1Z0-071 earns you the Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate credential and also fulfills the SQL requirement in the Oracle Database Administrator and Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate paths.

The SQL Requirement

SQL knowledge is essential to the Database Administrator and PL/SQL Developer roles. Upon its release, exam 1Z0-071 filled a gap in the offerings that fulfill the SQL prerequisite in these paths. This offering has gone on to become the standard. The Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate credential gives a broader, more comprehensive view of SQL, and results in OCA certification. This certification also better fits the defined job role.

Secret To Pass Oracle Certification Exams In First Attempt: